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Busy Girl Workout Series : 5 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

It isn’t always easy fitting a long workout into an already packed schedule. Whether you’re a corporate girl working a 9-5, or a student balancing academics and extracurriculars, making time to prioritize your health can be a challenge. If you’re struggling to find time to stay active you may want to try implementing short workouts throughout the day instead. Here are 5 exercises you can do at home, in an office, or even at the library so you can keep your mental and physical health in tip-top shape.

Tricep Dips

 Move your body to the front of your chair with both hands facing forward. Bend your elbows to lower yourself a few inches then straighten them to return to the starting position. Complete 20 reps.

Wall Push-Ups

Stand a few steps from a wall and lean towards it with your hands planted flat. Lower yourself towards the wall then push away while keeping your back as straight as possible. Complete 20 reps.

Rear Pulses

While standing and using a desk for support, bend one leg and flex your foot. Push your heel back a few inches then release. Complete 20 times.

Wall Sits

Slide your back down a wall until your hips and knees are at 90-degree angles. Hold this position for 60 seconds then release. Repeat 10 times.

Seated Bicycle Crunches

While seated with your fleet flat on the floor, place both hands behind your head. Lift your opposite knee to your opposite elbow while twisting your body. Complete 20 reps on each side.

You got this girl! Don’t let exercise intimidate you. Take it at your own pace and fit in movement wherever and whenever you can. Remember your health should always be priority #1! 


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