How to Uniquely Wrap All Your Christmas Presents On a Budget
Christmas is right around the corner and I find myself surrounded by gifts for everyone I love, waiting for me to wrap with care & style. While this process could become daunting or seen as a chore, I look forward to this moment as a time to test my creativity and customize each wrapping, making them as unique as the person receiving the gift. I choose to add excitement to the dreaded holiday wrapping process while striving to save money as well.
If you find yourself in the same boat, come along as I share some of my tips & tricks of Holiday Wrapping. It's time to pull out what is left of last year's leftover paper & go on a scavenger hunt for little stamping odds & ends.
I purchased a roll of Simple Craft Paper & the rest... I made due. I used ordinary & everyday objects from in -and around- my house, such as wine corks, fresh greenery from the backyard, pinecones & even an old Dinosaur toy of my sons that I envisioned turning into stamps.
Then I took to - standard white acrylic paint and I started stamping!
Test your make-shift stamps on a scrap piece of paper & once you get your desired stamp look, have a blast creating your customized wrapping paper in any fun pattern you choose!
Simply stamp, wrap, add some greenery on top, & send! Everyone will love their customized packages, exclusively made for them & you will be satisfied after you've spent little to no money at all!
Happy Decorating! XX